Pilates North MS Friends and Family
Donate To This CampaignIt’s a win win... If you have missed more than one class during your current registration you are welcome to take an additional make up class. We ask for a small donation of $5.00 (or more if you would like) for each additional class you wish to take!
As you may or may not know, Pilates North works with many clients who suffer from multiple sclerosis. This is a devastating disease and we have made it a priority to donate to MS Canada and support in any way that we can. Since 2013, when this all began, Pilates North was able to raise over $3300.00. We are so very proud of those clients who have helped along the way! As we continue this initiative in 2023, we continue to raise funds and awareness for those living with MS in our community. To show those living with MS they are not alone.